Ms Senamile Masango

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Ms Senamile Masango

Ms Senamile Masango is a celebrated nuclear scientist, world energy leader, entrepreneur and the first African woman to form part of an African-led team conducting experiments at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN). CERN is a world-renowned centre for scientific research where the Higgs Boson was discovered. Ms Masango worked as a Junior Project Engineer and she is a PhD candidate in Nuclear Physics at the University of the Western Cape where she also serves as a council member. 

She is the founder of Senamile Masango Foundation. She is passionate about science and engineering and endeavour to empower women in Africa. The Foundation offers programmes for middle school students to professionals, including a conference for middle and high school students, academic and career preparation programmes for college students, mentoring, internship, scholarships, a living-learning residential community and much more.

Ms Masango is the leader of a research team representing South Africa at BRICS Youth Energy Agency. This is a youth international volunteer organisation established to secure cooperation across BRICS countries in the field of energy and to promote development of its research and scientific potential. Under her leadership the Senamile Masango Foundation was the winning team from South Africa in the BRICS Youth Energy Outlook 2020. She was part of the International Women’s Conference hosted by South Africa’s Parliament where she addressed issues that are faced by women in science in Africa.

Her past leadership roles include Deputy Secretary of Peace Aid International, Chairperson of Young African Women in Leadership, Chairperson of United African Youth as well as being an NEC member at Progressive Professionals Forum (PPF).

Some of her achievements include being one of South Africa’s successful black woman Scientist under 35 years, 2019; Mail and Guardian 200 young South African Science and Technology. She was recognised as one of the 50 Global Inspirational Women of 2020 and a Women in Tech Global Awards finalist in 2021. Ms Masango holds the international Women in Science award for 2022, honouring her crucial contributions to the progress of science.


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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